The main aims of orthodontic treatment are, therefore, to eliminate functional problems that may predispose a patient to TMD; encourage the eruption and alignment of displaced or impacted teeth; remove any trauma from occlusion and/or displaced teeth, and/or improve facial and dental aesthetics by aligning and leveling the teeth, correcting the overjet and overbite to establish a mutually protective occlusion, within a stable soft tissue environment. The benefits of orthodontic treatment can be considered in terms of reducing the negative impact that malocclusion has on the dental health and psycho-social well-being of an individual. However, orthodontic treatment does carry risks which include decalcification, root resorption, gingival and periodontal problems, and the failure to achieve the aims of treatment. It is important, therefore, that treatment should not be started unless there is a reasonable chance that the patient will benefit from it.
For more details please contact us at +919311777662