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Category Dermaplaning

A Form of Physical Exfoliation
Dermaplaning treatment is a form of physical exfoliation that involves the use of one tool: a sterile medical-grade scalpel. Physical exfoliation is any treatment that uses physical abrasion to remove the top layer of dead skin from your face. One of the benefits of this exfoliating treatment is that not only does it eliminate dead skin cells, but it also eliminates fine hair.

How Does It Work?
This treatment is completely non-surgical and non-invasive. It brightens and rejuvenates the complexion in a quick and simple treatment. During the treatment process, your technician will use a medical-grade scalpel to carefully remove the dead skin cells from your face.

She will hold this tool at a 45° angle, and as it passes back and forth across your skin, it will remove dead skin cells, peach fuzz, scar tissue, and any other forms of dirt or debris sitting on your skin’s surface.

Benefits of Treatment
This treatment is very simple, but it’s also quite versatile. It can help all different patients with different skin types and conditions achieve a healthy and vibrant glow.

  • It helps correct dry and dull skin by removing layers of dead skin layer.
  • Removes fine vellius hairs
  • It can restore a natural, vibrant, and healthy glow to your complexion and help in increased absorption of all the topical products
  • Primes skin for chemical peels
  • Allows makeup to be applied more flawlessly

Who Is a Candidate?
Anyone who wants to improve their skin with a simple and natural form of exfoliation makes a good candidate for this form of physical exfoliation. This treatment is safe for pregnant and nursing women because it does not involve anything other than the medical-grade scalpel.

There are no harsh products or chemicals used during the treatment, so whether you’re pregnant, nursing, or have ultra-sensitive skin, you won’t have to worry about irritation, inflammation, or an adverse reaction post-treatment.

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